UNTAPPED EMERGING exhibits new work by up to 10 artists with 2-4 years of professional practice. This show is scheduled for June 2016.

Applications for UNTAPPED EMERGING open January 2016.

Selection Process

From the applications received, 10 artists will be selected to exhibit a minimum of one new work at the UNTAPPED Emerging exhibition to be held 4 - 26 June 2016 at SHOPHOUSE 5.  

Applications close 24 February 2016. Participants will be announced by 16 March 2016.

Artist Selection Criteria

  • ŸApplicants must be within 2-4 years of professional practice as of January 2016. Professional practice is defined as participation in gallery, festival or museum exhibitions, or in artist residencies. Participation in academic exhibitions is not considered professional practice.
  • Applicants must be over the age of 16.
  • Applicants must be Singapore-based.
  • Applicants must not currently have exclusive gallery representation.
  • Artists working in any medium are invited to apply; however, work/s created for the exhibition should be capable of being displayed in a gallery setting. Exceptions may be considered.
  • Applicants may apply as individuals or as a collective.

Artists will be selected based on their submitted artwork's originality, conceptual rigour, technical expertise, and coherence between the concept and the finished work. Selected artists will also have demonstrated a commitment to artistic practice.

Artist Submission Instructions

In a single, zipped folder please submit the following items:

1. Current Artist CV (CV should clearly state the artist name, address, email, phone number, nationality, and art related activities in which you have participated, including exhibitions, art talks, performances, etc. The CV should also include a short artist bio.)

2. Artist Statement (300- 500 words. This should correlate to the artist's own practice and the images submitted as evidence of their practice.)

3. 10 to 15 images of the applicant's original artwork. Images should be in a .jpg or .tif format, and of good quality (at least 3000 pixels wide and no more than 1.5mb in size). The file naming convention should be: FAMILY_NAME_Given_Name_file_number.jpg/tiff. Example: WONG_Cheng_Lim_03.jpg.

4. A text file (file extension .txt or .rtf) specifying the artist name and for each image the following: title, the year it was made, dimensions in cm. (height x width), and medium.

All material should be placed within a single folder. The naming convention of the folder should be: FAMILY_NAME_Given_Name. Example: WONG_Cheng_Lim.

This folder should be zipped and the entire zip file should be no larger than 20mb. This should be emailed to info@vada.org.sg. The subject line should read: UNTAPPED Emerging Application - (Applicant family name).

 Applications are due 24 February 2016.

Preparation & Exhibition

In the lead up to the June 2016 exhibition, selected artists will be required to attend a Kick-off Meeting and an Educational Session on working with galleries. Prior to opening night, artists will attend an Exhibition Preview during which they will present their work to the UNTAPPED Patrons and other participating artists. Artists are encouraged to attend the opening night event and visit the exhibition often during the 3-week run.

Additional details regarding preparation requirements and activities for the UNTAPPED Emerging artists will be provided immediately following their announcement.


January 2016 - Applications Open
24 February 2016 - Submissions Due
16 March 2016 - Selected Artists Announced
19 March 2016 - KO Meeting (1.5 hours)
2 April 2016 - Proposal for new work due
14 May 2016 - Working with Galleries Presentation (1 hour)
3 June 2016 - Exhibition Preview (2 hours)
4 - 26 June 2016 - Exhibition (Includes Opening Event - 2 hours)

Dates and times are subject to change. 

For questions, email info@vada.org.sg.

Download UNTAPPED EMERGING info sheet here.