通灵宝玉, 2013.
软实力。迁移中不断递减,直到镜面上的玻璃放大如洁净的广告,令人惊讶的是作为艺术,我们是如此的未经装饰。这就是诗作,海边岩石下的生态系统。举起这些岩石,会看到藏在底下的生物,在这些巨大、隐约、粗糙的外层底下积极生存,展现勃勃生机。这就是为什么我喜欢郑木彰的《石头》(2013) 系列,充满生气的大卵石,色泽饱满,力度强大,在活力旺盛的画布上抚慰人心。我尝试以有限的华语与他谈论我的观察,但口中的词汇有如被打回来的石头,被投入沙土之中。画室空间里海浪翻腾,把我送回沙发上安坐其间。木彰就在我的左边,旁边是珐琅白色的泡沫墙壁,泰然直立。画室里有个阁楼,放置他的作品,他笑着说,画室里有二楼是他对成功的自我定义。存放着的画作,有如经过长途飞行的候鸟,疲惫而充满希望,安于过境的状态。
枯井彻悟, 2013.
水过无痕, 2015.
今年的个展题目为《青花 • 朱印》(2015), 在我们会面的几天后,我有点不自在地到场社交。木彰还是一样的坚忍克己,大家都努力地想与他拍照,他却乐于成为当晚的塑像。墙上都是蓝色图像,画作经历漫长艰苦旅途后毫不畏惧地安顿下来。我比较拘谨而不擅应付人群,到场外的空间透一透气。坐在凳子上的是木彰的妻子与女儿,两人都穿上蓝色。我自我介绍后,她们面露微笑,有如他的笔锋一样,精确、真实。她们都是热心的支持者,人潮过多的时候依然看到她们眼中的光芒。所以,你们坐在外面招呼你先生和你父亲的观众。软实力。迁移中不断递减,人与人之间的凝聚力,由简单的动作来展现。
Tay Bak Chiang paints subjects found in the nature of Singapore and Southeast Asia, such as heliconias, lotus ponds and rocks. He aims to reinterpret them inventively in terms of form, composition, technique, material and colour. Lotus flowers, for example, are depicted as minimalist forms in bold hues; lotus stalks as thick, unembellished black strokes; and stones as textured shapes and sculptural blocks in intense colours made by combining pigments and traditional Chinese ink and colours. These subjects, to his mind, are sentient beings that feel and perceive the world around them; he expresses his feelings and philosophies through them. He graduated from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore in 1995 and studied at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, China, in 1997. He was awarded the First Prize in the Chinese Painting category in the 19th and 22nd United Overseas Bank Painting of the Year Competitions (2000 and 2003 respectively). In 2002 he received the Young Artist Award from the National Arts Council of Singapore. He has had ten solo exhibitions to date, such as Cleavages Fractures Folds《斧劈皴》at iPreciation (2014), Blue White Vermilion《青花 • 朱印》 at Chan Hampe Galleries (2015), and The Chivalrous Hero《侠之大者》at Serindia Gallery (2015).
Euginia Tan is VADA’s 2015-2016 Curator. She has published three collections of poetry and is completing her first play. She is interested in the notion of stories (within stories, within stories) and how much of these are lost, or can be resuscitated, when converted into various other multi-disciplinary platforms. Euginia also graduated from Curating Lab 2014.